If you are looking for a process server in Summerville, SC, look no further!
Hawkins Investigations will get your papers served! The servers at Hawkins Investigations pride themselves in their quick, friendly, efficient service.
Hawkins Investigations has very professional and reliable process servers. Their process servers pride themselves in getting papers served as quickly as possible. If you have papers that need to be served, Hawkins Investigations is the company to call.
If you have someone that is avoiding service, call Hawkins Investigations at 843-568-2501. They know how to get these people served.
Many attorneys call them when they have difficulty getting someone served.
Hawkins Investigations will provide you with a notary stamped affidavit of service upon completion of the process service.
Call George Hawkins, owner of Hawkins Investigations, at 843-568-2501 to get your papers served.